Women Veterans Basic Financial Needs Assistance Program
Through the Texas Veterans Commission Financial Assistance Grant, GAF provides assistance to Women Veterans residing in twenty six Texas counties. Financial Assistance opens the first of each month and closes when finances are exhausted for the month.

We'll help you cover the basics so you can focus on what is important.
Each woman Veteran is eligible for a financial award that will cover: Rent, Mortgage, Utility Bill (Gas, Electric, Water), Auto Insurance, & Automotive Repairs.
Women Veterans (and their dependents) can receive up to one (1) award per 12 month period.
Financial assistance program application is open from the 1st to the 5th of every month.
Only Grace After Fire members can apply for financial assistance.
Please create an account to become a Grace After Fire Member BEFORE applying for assistance.

This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance. The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families. For more information, visit TVC.Texas.gov.