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VA Announces New Mission Statement, Recognizing Sacred Commitment to Serve All Who Served.

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

VA Secretary Denis McDonough announces a new mission statement for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

On Thursday March 16th at the Military Women's Memorial in Washington DC, our friends at the Women Veteran's Alliance had the honor of being invited to witness an historical event, the introduction of the new VA mission statement.

At this Live Stream event, VA Secretary McDonough stated, "President Lincoln demanded, just as President Biden expects, that we serve all Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors-regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or creed."

The new words that adorn the walls of the VA will acknowledge, honor, respect and lift up those women veterans who didn't feel like they belong. McDonough experessed the commitment to providing the full range of benefits needed for their health, well being, reproduction and fertility services and more.

"Words matter. Written or spoken, and they are sometimes the difference between recognizing selfless service of all Americans or staying true to outdated traditions that exclude the sacrificial service of so many. West Point graduate and Combat Veteran, Mary Tobin regails the memories of mother's courage which compelled her to serve and do the right thing.

This ceremony marks the first steps made by the VA to make changes that improve quality of life for all veterans.


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